Friday, 4 October 2019

Chakra Toning



Please allow 30 - 45 minutes for the session.

When our energy centres carry heavy energy, connection cords, soul contracts or any energy which does not serve our greatest good, we can become depressed, anxious or sad which can lead to imbalance and illness.

A cleansed chakra system helps maintain a high vibration, giving you a lighter feeling, lighter mood and greater immune system.

Each Chakra is connected to a set of internal organs, so it is very important for our physical well being to keep our energy clear and clean.

This session is a way to use our own vocal vibrations to open and cleanse each chakra.

If you are uncomfortable to vocally cleanse each chakra, we can do a guided meditation and use sound bowls and crystals to help cleanse instead, but this is a longer and more intense session.

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