Thursday, 31 October 2019

Crystal Healing Workshop


As more loving souls awaken into a radiant vibration, we are often wondering where we can find support for ourselves, for our families, for our clients.

An incredibly loving and compassionate companion to walk with us through this journey is the beloved Crystal!

Does the thought of working with crystals on a deeper level make you feel something you can't explain but just know to be true?

Would you like to open your intuition more?

Would you like to be able to clear heavy energy from yourself and friends, or how to use crystals to calm and ground yourself - or alternatively give you energy, passion, focus and drive?

Would you like to add crystals to your therapy sessions? Such as counselling, massage, yoga, Reiki or any modality that creates and promotes greater wellbeing?

Would you like to learn which crystals are best to place in your office to garner better communication?

Would it interest you to know that we have actual crystals right inside our bone structure and that you can tap into these powerful beings for greater inner health?

If any of these things feel right, then the workshop schedule below might interest you.

Crystal Healing Workshop 

The workshop commences with a Sage and Selenite welcome cleansing ceremony for each individual participant. There is further information below the schedule on each of the events.

We then move to an Intention Circle where we come together to form a heart bond with the group participants and set our individual affirmations and intention.

Then an exciting part of the day where we choose a Crystal Companion for the day ahead and discuss ideas on Crystal Maintenance and undertake a Crystal Exploration.

Then an opening into our listening heart as we undertake a Gathering of Wisdom exercise.

We will then connect with the Inner Crystals through a guided journey.

Then we take some time to sit and chat about The Magic of Crystals.

Lunch will be provided (This is part of your workshop fee and is included in the price.)

Then we will discuss techniques to help you Wield the Elements.

We then move into exciting adventures with our crystals as we learn to Programme a crystal to work with our desired need.

We introduce the Pendulum as a tool and aid for crystal healing and every day use.

Moving towards the more practical side, we then explore how to, and why to, work with Crystals by Colour.

We move then to the Crystal Healing Bed and have a brief chat on how to use Crystals for Chakra Healing (There is a whole workshop dedicated to this if you would like to take your healing further.)

We go through some tips and techniques for Preparing Sacred Space and then set up a sacred space around our mat.

Our Final Journey of the day will take us on a chakra clearing adventure in our Sacred Space with our Chakra Crystals on our energy centres and our crystal companion in a place of our choosing.

We then undertake a very important process of Grounding to finish our time together. 

More information on each segment.

Sage and Selenite Ceremony: Step into a mesmerising cloud of Sage Smoke and feel your cares lift as the world begins to brighten. Scientifically proven to remove heavy energy, Sage smoke works by attracting the positive ions up and away from your body.
Slow your mind as the relaxing energy of Selenite moves around your body to fill the once heavy space with white crystal light.
Take a few deep breaths to connect with your heart centre to prepare for the day's journey.

Intention Circle: Step inside an activated light circle and bring yourself fully into the presence of each other and your higher self. Take Heart breaths while connecting with the Earth and Sky Intelligence and Energy to further deepen your connection to the events of the day.

Crystal Companion: There are so many ways to choose a crystal, in this exercise we allow our intuitions to guide us to select a crystal companion for the days workshop.

Crystal Maintenance: A brief discussion on how to look after our precious companions and how to charge them so they are full of life energy.

Crystal Exploration: Delve into the magic and wonder of the crystal companion you have chosen. Really get to know it.

Gathering of Wisdom: This is a way to kick start our connection to our intuition and move away from the learned logical side of life, feel into choices, disregard 'shoulds'.

Inner Crystals: Inside each and every human bones is a crystalline structure which we can open to and connect with at any time to deepen our self-healing. In this journey, we take a voyage to this crystal and then activate our inner healer.

The Magic of Crystals: This is an intuitive discussion on how crystals actually effect us in order for crystal healing to work.

Wield the Elements: Tapping in to the force of the elements can be a very powerful way to start your day, or to help enhance your altar, or to help set an intention, or even more powerfully, be used in healing. During this segment you will learn what each of the elements are and how you can access them to help yourself during the day or to give and send healing love to others.

Programme a Crystal: It's wonderful to have crystals, and they are such loving and giving little (or sometimes big) folk that having them sitting nearby is a powerful thing. Enhancing that power by adding a programme can enrich the way you work with crystals.

Pendulum: Here we tap into the magic and power of working with a pendulum. These handy little companions can be used to cleanse and clear chakras or help us to find answers to questions. 

Working with Crystals by Colour: Each colour has a scientific vibration which can enhance the effectiveness of healing depending upon the desired outcome. For example, wearing red Amber in a cold environment will definitely heat you up, while placing yourself in a circle of calming sky blue crystals, such as Angelite, can calm and cool your body.

Chakra Healing: Certain crystals can open, lighten and energise our energy centres, in this segment we have a brief overview on how to place crystals for chakra healing, then have a play with a friend on the experience of a Chakra Healing with Crystals and the pendulum.

Preparing Sacred Space: A quiet and calming environment is a must for wellbeing sessions. We walk through some different set ups using crystals and the elements. For this exercise we prepare Sacred Space around our mats before the final journey of the day.

Final Journey of the Day: Find yourself feeling lighter and clearer as we step through a cleansing, opening and clearing journey using the chakra crystals.

Grounding: This process may be the most important part of the whole workshop. Ensuring you step back into your eyes and reconnect to the world around you. A variety of techniques will be used including physical movement, grounding spray and grounding crystals and affirmations.

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Chakra Toning Art Session



Please allow 1 - 1.5 hours for this session.

When our energy centres carry heavy energy, connection cords, soul contracts or any energy which does not serve our greatest good, we can become depressed, anxious or sad which can lead to imbalance and illness.

A cleansed chakra system helps maintain a high vibration, giving you a lighter feeling, lighter mood and greater immune system.

Each Chakra is connected to a set of internal organs, so it is very important for our physical well being to keep our energy clear and clean.

This session is a way to use our own vocal vibrations to open and cleanse each chakra while adding the amazing medium of art to help us see our way through each energy centre.

After toning each centre, we paint, draw, sketch, use oil paints, or any medium you are comfortable with to collect the artistic and creative wisdom which rests inside your soul. *This is not a drawing session where you need to be a technically perfect artist.* This is a session where you are free to express yourself through whatever medium comes forth from your subconscious.

If you are uncomfortable to vocally cleanse each chakra, we can do a guided meditation and use sound bowls and crystals to help cleanse instead, but this is a longer and more intense session.

Egyptian Shamanic Alchemical Healing Session

Alchemical Shamanic Egyptian Healing


Please allow 1.5 - 2 hours for the session.

This deeply transformative healing session is a great way to work with chronic pain in addition to current healing practices you are undertaking.

This session starts with a joint shamanic heart breath, imbibing the caduceus and greeting Thoth.

We then work with the spirit of plants, spirit of animals, spirit of crystals and any other healing spirit who comes forward to work with your energy for your highest healing.

All of these spirits work together to create alchemical healing.

Deeply intense. An open mind is required.

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Heartsong Spiritual and Shamanic Services

Welcome Sacred Soul!

Please find below a list of my current service offerings.

I have access to a studio in Agnes and a healing hut in Deepwater.

Shamanic drumming can only be performed in Deepwater due to noise restrictions in town.

Crystal Workshop:
Learn how to tap into your own innate intuition and connect to the majesty of Crystals. More information here.

Shamanic Crystal Healings:
Primal shamanic drumming combine with crystals to soothe the soul and heal the energy. Read more here.

Crystal Healing:
Sink into the love and healing energy of crystals. Read more here.

Shamanic Energy Healing:
Energy field is tested for gaps and healed with quartz crystals. Read more here.

Arcturian Reiki:
Arcturian Light Language is channeled into the energy field as gentle loving Reiki Energy showers your soul. Read more here.

Tibetan Sound Bowl diagnostic and Healing Session:
The sound bowls help find the stuck energy in the body and work in combination with crystals, toning and healing techniques to heal. Read more here.

Shamanic Sound Bowl Journey:
Take a shamanic journey, connect with your helping animal spirits and Sacred Spirit Guides as the crystal bowls weave their magic around you. Read more here.

Power Animal Retrieval:
If you're feeling lost, a power animal retrieval may help you to find your way again. Read more here.

Akashic Record Reading:
Delve into the records of your soul. Read more here.

Shamanic Rock Divination:
Pose a question and allow the wisdom of rocks to guide you through to an answer. Read more here.

Oracle Reading:
Take a journey through the energy of what is happening for you right now with the help of divination cards. Read more here.

Alchemical Healing:
Help your physical wellness repair with an alchemical healing session. Read more here.

Chakra Toning:
Cleanse your energy centres through the use of vowel sounds. Read more here.

Chakra Toning Art Session:
Explore the energy of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies through toning and art. Read more here.

Friday, 4 October 2019

Chakra Toning



Please allow 30 - 45 minutes for the session.

When our energy centres carry heavy energy, connection cords, soul contracts or any energy which does not serve our greatest good, we can become depressed, anxious or sad which can lead to imbalance and illness.

A cleansed chakra system helps maintain a high vibration, giving you a lighter feeling, lighter mood and greater immune system.

Each Chakra is connected to a set of internal organs, so it is very important for our physical well being to keep our energy clear and clean.

This session is a way to use our own vocal vibrations to open and cleanse each chakra.

If you are uncomfortable to vocally cleanse each chakra, we can do a guided meditation and use sound bowls and crystals to help cleanse instead, but this is a longer and more intense session.

Heartsong Oracle Reading

Heartsong Oracle Reading
3 Deck Soul Journey Reading: $20
4 Deck Soul Journey Reading: $30
5 Deck Soul Journey Reading: $40

*Session available at Deepwater Healing hut, or I can come to you in Agnes Water, Rosedale, Lowmead or Captain Creek.*

Shamanic Rock Divination

Shamanic Rock Divination
Done via distance.

Do you have a question that you are burning to know the answer to?

Pose a question to the Spirit of the Rocks and see what divination comes through for you.

Shamanic Power Animal Retrieval

Please allow 1 hour for this session.

*Please note, due to the need to drum this session may only occur at the Healing Hut in Deepwater.*
Session is also available via distance. (I'll send a full report on the journey afterwards).

The Power Animal Retrieval is a great session for you if you are feeling overwhelmed and Powerless in your life, if you wake up asking "where is the meaning?"

The session commences with a Sage and Selenite cleanse and then we call in the Directions together to invite the energy to come and protect and provide wisdom throughout the session.

This session is undertaken with the use of a Sonic Transducer (drum), on the floor. You lay down in a comfy position and I sit right next to you touching so you are ready to receive the energy I will blow back into you at the end of the journey.

After the journey I will bring you back into a state of awareness and let you know of any messages that came through from your Power Animal.

Heartsong Shamanic Sound Bowl Journey

$95 - at Agnes Studio
$75 - at Deepwater Healing Hut
Please allow 1 hour for this session.

This amazing and connective journey commences with a calling of directions to invite the energy, elements and power of each direction to be present during the session for wisdom, protection and love.

You are invited to lay on a mat and be taken into a deep state of relaxation and then drop into a shamanic journey in the Lower Non-Ordinary World of Reality where you will meet with a helping animal who will guide you though the journey.

Meet with powerful totemic animals and Spirit Beings throughout the journey to learn about your life path, herbs that can assist you, crystals to connect with, tree energy to strengthen you, then rest in a waterfall of sound as you talk with your most powerful inner Guide.

The waterfall of sound involves gongs, crystal sound bowls, chimes and tongue drums to help you stay in a shamanic state of awareness.

This is a peaceful and insightful journey which can open your heart to a new world and way of living and being.

Tibetan Sound Bowl Diagnostic and Healing Session

Tibetan Sound Bowl Diagnostic and Healing Session
Please allow 1.5 - 2 hours for the session

When our bodies are out of balance we are in a state of dis - ease which can lead to serious illnesses. The Tibetan Sound Bowls work to locate the imbalances in the system and restore them to an equilibrium.

This is an intense energy healing session, it is best to have a peaceful post session planned.

The session commences with a reading to guide us to underlying issues to be worked on.

You are then snuggled into the Healing bed and the diagnostic Tibetan bowl will sound around you. At each imbalance, we will stop and work with the stuck energy to move it on, heal it or understand the cause behind it.

To work with each imbalance we use a combination of different size bowls and frequencies specific to what you need at that time, along with crystals, psychic surgery if needed, acupressure release of negative thought forms, pendulum clearing, vocal toning of the energy centre or the drums to move the energy on.

The energy is released in a gentle and compassionate way and guided to its highest good for its greatest healing.

The session is completed with a nourishing and grounding tea along with recommendations for self care.

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Arcturian Reiki Session

Please allow 1 - 1.5 hours for the session.

This session is a gentle healing with the modality of Reiki and includes Chakra Toning and Arcturian Light Language.

We start the session with a Sage and Selenite cleanse, then move to the crystal healing bed.

You are guided into a relaxed state of being while beautiful rainforest music plays around you.

Starting with the Crown Chakra, the Reiki energy is activated and your crown is given an amazing flow of energy. Your crown is also vocally toned with negativity removing chants and Arcturian Light Symbols are channeled into your etheric field.

This continues down through all of the energy centres and includes the knees, ankles and feet.

Arcturian Light Language is symbology and Sacred Language which is used to communicate directly with our DNA and transforms the entire being into Light to aid with the ascension process and activates the ability to emanate the vibration held within the light language.

We finish the session with an uplifting tea blend from local sources.

Heartsong Shamanic Energy Healing Session


Session commences with a visual auric reading to discover energy gaps or leaks.

Your aura is then shamanically opened with a Quartz Crystal; all gaps, leaks and drains are corrected, smoothed and healed.

Healing, and unconditionally loving energy is then poured into your aura.

Your aura is resealed and we chat about anything that arose for you during the session.

This is a Northern American Native People Shamanic Healing technique used for many lifetimes for tribal healing.

This session is a good way to gently soothe your energy field.

Shamanic Crystal Healings

*This service is only available at the Healing Hut in Deepwater due to noise restrictions in town*

Please allow 1.5 - 2 hours for session.

The Shamanic Crystal Healing Session commences with a Sage and Selenite Cleanse.

Together we will create a ceremony to call to the energy of the directions to surround and protect you during the session.

You will then be guided to connect with any of the crystals in the healing hut to accompany you on your journey.

Gently surrender to the energy grid selected especially for your energy, as you nestle onto the crystal healing bed.

Shamanic drumming will ease your mind into a meditative state. The crystals who wish to come forward for your healing session will call out during this time and intuitively place in your energy field.

Bask in the glory of this primal drumming as the crystals work on your etheric field, bringing nurturing and comfort, cleansing your mind and energy.

This session is wonderful if you are needing a gentle and relaxing experience.

*Sage has been scientifically proven to remove damage causing ions from our energy systems. Selenite is a heavenly crystal who helps remove negative thought forms.